Our free teacher profiles provide everything you need to showcase your teaching experience and make a great first impression!
Appear in our search results and get yourself in front of more students actively searching for a teacher like you.
Receive student enquiries and when you're ready to start lessons, simply send students your booking link for their first two lessons.
Our beautifully crafted teacher profiles provide everything you need to effectively market your teaching services and ensure students feel confident booking lessons with you.
Unlike other websites, we do not accept paid placement in search results. Teachers are ranked fairly based on student search preferences and performance based factors.
When a new student books you through our platform, simply teach the first two lessons in return for your new student, then from lesson three, receive all future payments directly from the student.
Increase your student reach with our ongoing marketing campaigns. Leave the stress of marketing behind so you can focus on what you do best.. teaching!
Maintain complete control over every aspect of your business including rates, teaching locations and availability. Teach when you want, where you want; you are in control!
Advertise your teaching services at your studio locations, in the comfort of the student's home or even online using a webcam! The choice is yours!
Get started today by creating your free Lessons Australia teacher profile.
Create your free profile